Have you signed up for the City 2 Surf but don’t know how to train for it.

Running, but not really knowing if you're improving?…

  • Feeling lost with no plan to work towards?

  • Struggling with those niggling injuries/pains that stop you running as much as you want and taking the fun out of it?

Without a clear path to follow you start to notice a lack of improvement and motivation soon goes…

You can only run the same loop, at the same pace so many times until you stop getting faster and it’s not appealing anymore…

And that is why I have put together the…


This program focuses on getting you faster over the 14kms, but rest assured even if you can’t run that far yet this program is still for you!

It combines:

  • Varied running sessions targeting the different energy systems needed to run faster.

  • Strengthening exercises (no equipment needed) aimed at making you run with increased efficiency and more importantly less likely to get injured.

Nearly 80% of runners get injured every year, due to poor training (usually over training), bad technique and inadequate strength training (strong muscles/connective tissues are much more resilient).

This is what truly separates this program from any old plan you can find on the internet…

All these elements have been combined in the one program.

Every session is designed to be completed at your own pace. So whether you are a novice just getting into running or have been running for a while, this program is for you!

Delivered through an app you get:

  • 3/4 run sessions a week:

    • 2 will be interval based aimed at improving your speed and the energy systems required for running.

    • 1-2 will be a steady paced run focused on the aerobic energy system.

  • 2 strength sessions a week aimed at building the strength in the muscles and connective tissue required to run well and most importantly injury free.

    • You will have access to videos of all the exercises so you know exactly what to do.

  • Also along the way I’ll will be dropping some knowledge around all things running so you can smash race day!

  • As we go along if you have any questions at all please send them in, you are never left wondering what to do!

  • Even if you are already doing a fair bit of running already, having this program will ensure you are doing all you can to stay injury free. Any program is worthless if you cant stay running!



For less than ONE Physio session…

Less than ONE coaching session…

This is why I love online training, offering a much better service at a better price.

Ok, let’s get started!!

Fill in the form below to get the ball rolling, after that I’ll send you an email to kick things off.

City 2 Surf Program


  • I haven’t run for a long time, can I still do this program for me?


    The program is designed for any social runner who wants to improve their running!

    I’m not interested in making elite running slightly better…

    I want to help everyday runners/athletes get faster but more importantly, learn how to run without getting injured.

    Nearly 8 out of 10 runners get injured every year, it’s no wonder people give up and tell themselves they can’t do it, that they just ‘aren’t made to run’.

    It’s hard to enjoy something when it feels uncomfortable or painful when you do it!

That’s what makes this program different to any old running plan you can find on the internet.

There’s a big focus on strengthening the muscles needed to run well while providing easy to implement form improvements.

This isn’t just about running, although it is going to make you a lot quicker.

  • I get a bit of pain when I run, can I still do it?

    This is exactly why I put this program together.

    The purpose is to help people run faster, without pain or discomfort.

    The program takes you through a proper warm-up, improves technique, and includes running-specific strength sessions you won’t find anywhere else.

    These in combination are the key to avoiding overuse injuries that too many runners suffer from.

    If we need to build up the running slowly we can do that, or if you can’t currently run at all, I can put together a tailored program to get you there!

  • When does the program start?

    Good news!! The program starts on the 19th of June.

    Once you sign up your challenge begins.

    So what are you waiting for?

    If you finally want to run faster with less pain.

    Sign up now!