Week 2 sess 4.png

All body-weight exercises although you can certainly add weight if you can. Everything is designed to build up the muscles needed to run well and more importantly prevent injury. Controlling the movement is the name of the game.


Focus on controlling the movement then as you get more comfortable speed them up. The aim is to get the blood flowing to the muscles before we place more demand on them

20 reps each exercise. 3 rounds, no rest.



1a) Patrick Step ups. 10 Reps each side.

30sec rest.

1b) Split squat w front foot elevated. 10 Reps each side.

30sec rest.

Repeat 3 x both exercises.



10 Reps each leg. 1min rest between sets.

4 Sets.



10 Reps. 1min rest between rounds.

4 Rounds.



2a) Single leg calf raise. 10 reps each leg.

2b) Tibialis anterior raise. 20 reps together.

3 Rounds. No rest between exercises.



3a) Knee bent calf raises. 15 reps.

3b) Hip flexor raises. 20 reps.

3 Rounds. No rest between rounds.